
This is one of the biggest crops produced by WASFO members in the districts of Cabo Verde, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Benin and Senegal. WASFO produces an average of 3000 tonnes of Soya in a year and this is purchased as a raw material for several products in the local industry and also international industry.


Groundnuts are grown by almost all member farmers throughout the country. WASFO ’s groundnuts are machine graded and are produced in excess of 5000 tonnes a year amongst the varieties of CG7, Chalimbana and Chalimbana 2000. Besides low capacity processing levels, and sales to local buyers, WASFO is able to export groundnuts to the regional and international markets.  These exports are closely monitored and presented on the fair market with low Aflatoxin infested stock. These stocks are normally stocked and normally machine sorted and sized into two sizes: 38-42 KPOs and 50-60 KPOs (kernel per pound). 


Chillies are mostly grown in Nigeria, Ghana and Liberia. The chilli is handpicked, graded and accordingly. It is normally sorted in three grades: Grade A, B and C and is usually exported whole dried to European countries.