Seed Multiplication

1.   1. Seed Production

The seed production section aims at contributing to improved household food security for smallholder farmers in Beninthrough improved access and utilization of certified seeds.  This is achieved through seed multiplication program which is done through contract farming with farmers.  The farmers are supervised and supported by staff within WASFO and Seed Services Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture. This ensures that the grown seed meet the set standards for certification.

The seed produced are distributed through Farm Input Subsidy Program under Nigerian Seed Traders Association and Agro-dealers and other retail shops.

2. Project Management

The section also provides project management services in crop diversification and value chain addition. This follows its previous management of Farm Income Diversification Program and currently the Rural Livelihood and Economic Enhancement program.

The two programs aim at improving livelihood of smallholder farmer’s through participation in production, processing and marketing of value added products.